Susie’s festive nut roast

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Susie’s Nut Loaf Recipe for Christmas Day

“We have been eating nut loaf on Christmas Day for over 45 years. My brother is vegetarian, I’m vegan and our children eat meat, but we all love the nut loaf! I make extra for the family as part of their Christmas presents and they freeze it to enjoy in the following weeks. Happy, kind, healthy eating.” Susie


2kg mixed nuts – almonds, cashews, brazil, & pecan

1 small bunch of shallots, chopped (or 2 small onions)

Half a bunch of celery, chopped

200 grams of mushrooms, chopped

4 medium sized tomatoes

1 egg (or egg substitute)

1 tbsp dark Miso

1 cup of herbs such as basil, oregano, parsley, marjoram

2 tbsp olive oil

Parmesan cheese (or vegan substitute)



Heat oven to medium temperature (180 degrees C)

Grind 2 kg of mixed almonds, cashews, brazil, pecan nuts to semi-fine but not powdery consistency

In olive oil, walnut or coconut oil, fry a chopped bunch of shallots (or 2 small onions), half a bunch of celery and 200 grams of mushrooms until translucent

Add 4 medium sized tomatoes and when cooked add to the mixture until you have enough wet ingredients to moisten the crushed nuts

Adjust your mixture with either more crushed nuts or more cooked vegetables so the mixture is not dry but semi-moist

Blend one egg and a large tablespoon of dark Miso (if vegan use alternative to egg to bind)

Add herbs such as basil, oregano, parsley, marjoram

Add salt and black pepper as you wish

Mix together with large wooden spoon or your hands until the consistency is semi-moist

If needed, add stoneground bread crumbs if too moist or blended tomato if too dry

Place the mixture in a well-oiled or silicon loaf tin, or use a muffin tin for individual servings

Top with grated cheese and fine tomato rounds (vegan parmesan cheese works well and so does sliced tomato only)

Bake in oven for approximately 30 minutes.

Serve with cranberry sauce

Great served warm with roasted vegetables or cold with a salad!


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