Delicious range of organic dairy products, ready to eat dips and meals, drinks, diary-free cheese, tofu and fermented veg.

Cheese, milk, butter and yoghurt
Artisan made local goats cheese from Jannei Dairy plus organic and non-organic cheese from around Australia sold by weight and pre-packaged.
Organic milk and yoghurt from Barambah organics, Made by Cow, Little Big Dairy Co.

Vegan and non-dairy cheese and yoghurt
A great range of vegan cheeses from Nutty Bay, Sprout & Kernel, Peace Love & Vegetables.

Tofu, tempeh and fermented foods
Nutrisoy organic tofu and tempeh. Sauerkraut by Peace Love & Vegetables, plus locally made Herbs of Life.

Dips, olives and ready-made meals
Yummy locally made Luscious dips and dhal. Suzy Spoon Vegetarian Butcher sausages and rashers. Bulk olives.

Tasty range of Bulla Booch, Parkers Organic, Black Radish and Organic Zest kombuchas and organic soft drinks.