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This medicine combines the healing effects of umeboshi with the minerals in tamari, the warming dispersing qualities of ginger, and the calming alkalinity of bancha tea.


½ umeboshi plum

several drops of tamari

pinch of grated ginger or several drops ginger juice

¼ cup bancha tea


Crush the umeboshi plum meat with the back of a chopstick. Add tamari and a small pinch of grated ginger or several drops of ginger juice. Pour hot bancha tea over the mixture, stir well and drink.

The humble umeboshi plum

This small Japanese salt-pickled plum has remarkable curative properties. It was traditionally recommended for many ailments from food poisoning and intestinal upsets to troubles in the stomach, motion sickness, and headaches.  It has the ability to neutralise toxins and assist the body in eliminating them through the liver and kidneys. Cooking grains with an umeboshi plum aids in the removal of chemicals and bacteria that may be present in the grain and delays the fermentation process. Umeboshi plums are highly alkalising, have antibiotic properties and are often used in cures for stomach upsets or hangovers. They assist the liver in detoxifying the body and posses strong antiseptic and antibiotic qualities.

Medicinal uses

  • Excellent hangover cure!
  • Offsets carbon monoxide, paint or petrol fume intoxication
  • Combats anaemia, weak blood and weak circulation
  • Relieves an over acid stomach
  • Balances intestinal problems
  • A good antidote to over consumption of sugar ie: one umeboshi plum can neutralise 100g of refined sugar
  • Assists the liver in detoxifying the body
  • Anti-aging due to its strong antioxidant activity
  • Prevents fatigue by alkalising the blood
  • Promotes digestion of proteins
  • Assists in the absorption of alkaline minerals like iron and magnesium

By Danielle O’Donoghue

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