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  • 21st December , 2022

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  • 15th December , 2022

    Food Supply Report, December 2022

    Food Supply Report, December 2022

    We’re sure many of you are well aware, the Co-op has faced some challenges over the past couple of years with food supply that has been affecting many products we stock in the Co-op, including some staples (like rice) and fresh produce.

    We felt to publish an official update to raise awareness and understanding of what is behind the supply issues and so you, our members, can be ready to adapt when a product you buy is unavailable, delayed or, where possible, substituted.


    • • 2022 has seen a significant rise in the cost of food across all categories due to a number of reasons, including floods in Queensland and NSW and rising fuel costs, exacerbated by the conflict in Ukraine.

    You may like to read this article for more information published on The Guardian, Sunday July 10, 2022: Rising food prices hit every supermarket aisle putting pressure on low-income families

    • • Flooding in NSW has impacted crop production of some Coop favourites such as the Rainfed Brown Rice.

    You may like to read this article for more information published on ABC Rural website, Monday October 24, 2022: Most productive NSW agricultural shire counts hundreds of millions of dollars in crop losses

    • • Some crops such as onions and potatoes have seen large increases however, nationally the overall picture is looking good.

    You may like to read these two articles for more information, the first, published on ABC Rural website Tuesday December 6, 2022: Farm export values push to near record high despite challenging east coast conditions

    and the second, published ABC Rural website Tuesday December 6, 2022: Farm export values push to near record high despite challenging east coast conditions

    • • However, the global picture is not looking good, so we will see a reduction in the availability of imported foods, such as rice (which has already been impacted due to supply chain issues, etc),

    You may like to read this article for more information published on Gro Intelligence Saturday October 15, 2022: World Rice Production to Drop in 2022/23, Reversing Years of Bounty

    Possible effects

    The Co-op may continue to face uncertainty in the availability of staples such as rice. Fresh produce may continue to be impacted with shortages and price increases across the board. Overall prices may continue to increase, impacting shoppers and the luxury of choice may not be available.

    (Little Shop: no adverse effects are being experienced in the Little Shop. We are stocked up for Christmas. There has been delays in shipping, but that is typical this time of the year).

    A Note on Food Security in Australia

    Overall Australia, as a nation, is considered to have high food security, as reported in this article on the Australian Government’s Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry website, January 13, 2021: Analysis of Australia’s food security and the COVID-19 pandemic

    However, some news reports are suggesting otherwise, both from a supply chain perspective and an affordability and access to food point of view.

    Madeleine Pitt, our Fruit & Veg Coordinator’s observes that ‘overall, our fruit and vegetable supply from Sydney markets is now stable and most of the leafy greens have returned in steady supply. While some prices have remained higher than average (like potatoes due to poor planting weather), prices have started to return to more reasonable levels thanks to this now being the best time of year for growing so many crops.”


    Our strategy for the coming months and years

    Rest assured that we will continue to create strategies and do what is in our power to adapt, pivot and source the best food and produce for you, for the best possible price and most superior quality we can, while maintaining our collective food purchasing criteria, and finding new food supply streams if and when needed/ where we can.

    In August 2022, we fast-tracked and established set-up of our Urban Market Garden just up the road from the Co-op in College Lane. This is one of our strategies to mitigate supply issues and increase the Co-op’s food security.

    We are already growing our own produce that is being sold in the Co-op. We plan to add additional crops to the site in the coming months and years. Watch this space. If you’d like to get involved in the Market Garden

    Read more about our Market Garden here: The Co-op Market Garden

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